Monday, 11 March 2013

Snow is not good for national security

In Brussels this afternoon there was a bit of snow again. Just enough powder to make a mess out of the road traffic. People become over cautious and drive at snail pace. That does not prevent many accidents from happening. But it makes moving around a nightmare. My daughter was driving into Brussels from the Mons area, 80 km away, after a long day of work, and it took her close to three hours to reach home.

The impact of all this on me: I spent more time doing baby-sitting-cum-dog-sitting than preparing for my forthcoming seminar on national security in the EU countries. And then I came to the conclusion that a few flakes of snow are a serious threat for the development of national security matters…


Joa d'Arievilo \ @joa_dArievilo said...

Olá, Amigo Victor Ângelo, fui bloqueado na Visão mas deixo-lhe aqui os meus cumprimentos!

Na verdade, embora tendo sempre em conta a educação, eu incomodava algumas figuras ridicularizando-as!

Victor ANGELO said...

Caro Joa,

Prazer em saber notícias suas. tinha de facto notado que deixara de aparecer na Visao, mas nao sabia qual poderia ser o motivo. Acho que escritas como as suas fazem falta.

Boa saúde,