Sunday, 5 July 2015

On Greece´s next steps

We should congratulate Alexis Tsipras this evening. The Greek voters have shown they unmistakably support him and his approach to country´s debt issue.

Now Tsipras has to come up with a clear negotiating position. It has to be on the Euro group tables by tomorrow. There is urgency. And it is also very urgent to show that there is a way forward.

The proposal has to come from the Greek side. And be ready for a decision to be taken on Tuesday evening, when the Euro group leaders meet in Brussels.

These are indeed extraordinary times. They call for very clear commitments and well defined boundaries. Indecision and vagueness are key risks to avoid. As one has to avoid to be trapped by personal likes and dislikes. We might not like the other side, but we have to sit with him and talk in a very frank and constructive way. 

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