fight against terrorism is above all the work of the specialised police services.
They should be able to carry out their duties with a great degree of
independence. This basically means that the political leaders should not get
involved in the technical tasks of the police. They must be advised to do so,
to keep a healthy distance from the police and not to fall in the temptation of
becoming super police chiefs. That´s not their role.
politicians should deal with the public dimensions issues and above all, they ought
to bring the security feelings back. That´s about promoting a climate of
serenity and fighting the propagation of alarmist views. It´s about explaining
the security strategies that are being put in place.
their relationship with the police should be about creating the critical conditions
for the services to be able to perform in a coordinated and efficient manner.
police decisions have to remain the prerogative of the police forces. If the
politicians try to meddle in such interference will cause confusion in the
ranks of the police bosses and will compromise the professional approaches that
the challenge of fighting terrorism requires.
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