Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Clarifying the relationship with Greece´s political establishment

Political uncertainty is not a good option. The role of leadership is to make it as short as possible. Leaders clarify and define the rules. We expect them to sort things out without too much delay. We also expect them to be able to properly and openly communicate about their decisions.

That´s what is happening in the case of Greece, I want to believe.

We are now in the process of clarifying the relationship with the Greek government. We should also be able to clear up the rapport with the rest of the country´s political class. The connection with them has been too ambiguous. They have to tell us how far they are prepared to go. We should then state if we can go along or not. They have the right to decide about their own future. And we have the same right to choose if we are part of that journey or not.

Both sides have to be wise, in addition to being clear. But above all, both sides have to be sincere and be perceived as such. 

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