Sunday, 8 March 2020

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day is about equality between men and women, boys and girls. It is about equal rights. We can celebrate what has already been achieved but we have also to acknowledge the shortcomings and wrongs.

It is an ongoing struggle. In many societies, there is still a long road ahead. It must be walked without further delays. A nation that leaves behind the women does not belong to today’s times. It must catch up.

In our part of the world, it is more about attitudes that have yet to change, it is about implementing what we know it is right, transforming into reality the nice words we pronounce.

In both cases, and in very practical terms, it all begins with education and putting an end to all types of violence practised against women and girls. 

The best way to move forward is to have women in positions of power, including political and economic power. I know that men in leading roles can also fight for women’s rights. We have several cases we could mention. But in my own experience, I have learned that it is much better, more impactful, to have those leading roles taken up by women.

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