Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Greece: they will decide and we will talk with them afterwards

It is unwise for the EU leaders to freely comment on the forthcoming elections in Greece. It sounds like outright interference in the domestic electoral process. The Greeks will decide, based on their own internal power dynamics. Then, and only after that, the rest of the EU will see what comes next. There will for sure a need for negotiations. And everyone knows that only reasonable people with sensible negotiating standpoints can achieve results. Therefore, I believe that both sides, the Greeks and the external partners, will negotiate with a key concern in mind: these are no times to rock the boat. These are times of great global uncertainty and judicious people in Europe understand the current trends and circumstances. It would be a serious mistake for all of us if moderation was put aside. Leadership, today, at the beginning of this New Year, is about avoiding a race and an acceleration towards more confrontations. 

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