Sunday, 10 May 2015

Juncker at Leuven University: notes on his style

Jean-Claude Juncker gave a long talk last week about Europe at the old and famous Leuven University near Brussels.

He is a very experienced politician and the presentation just confirmed that. He has indeed been around for many years, he has seen many politicians, big and small. And he knows every detail about a good deal of matters.

But he seems to require some advice about his public speaking style. He addressed the audience in French, without caring about the fact that many in the room could not understand the language and that he had been asked to speak in English. Furthermore, during the question-and-answer time, his replies had a touch of arrogance that is not helpful. In the end, arrogance – even if it is only over-confidence – can actually be damaging.

He also looks older than his age and a bit tired for the job.

Can anyone in his circle help him to look into these matters?

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