Thursday, 11 July 2019

About power

I told those listening to my lecture that in today’s world we cannot give a simple answer to complex social and political issues. And I mentioned the power issue, as the most striking example. It is no longer possible to associate power with just the control of the State or the banking system, as some were inclined to do. The sources of power are varied. For instance, Greta Thunberg, the young climate activist, takes her power from her persistence and peaceful style, the clarity of her cause, and the support she gradually got from other young pupils and students across Europe and beyond. She is at present, in many ways, a powerful figure, an agenda setter that all the big people want to meet and take a picture with. It is however more than that. Her message is positively influencing the global agenda and making a difference.

Political power, in a democratic and advanced society, is the result of a struggle between different views, interests and dreams. It is a balanced outcome

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