Wednesday 20 May 2020

The ladies are in charge

Harvard professor Carmen Reinhart has just been appointed as the new Chief Economist at the World Bank. The Chief Economist at the IMF, Gita Gopinath, has also come from Harvard University. Both ladies have collaborated with Professor Ken Rogoff, from the same university. They might all think alike which is not the best approach in times of crisis. Diversity and contradictory opinions are much more creative, at a time when we have to imagine a new economic order. But they are all for debt forgiveness when the challenge is too big to be managed, which is not a bad approach. And they have studied financial crashes and deep national crisis extensively.

People say that when two economists discuss there are at least three divergent opinions. In this case, let us see if both ladies can bring fresh ideas to their institutions. The IMF and the WB will be very much in demand in many countries in the post-Covid situation. They must propose an approach that goes beyond austerity and keeps investments flowing across the globe, particularly in the direction of poorer countries.

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