Thursday, 9 April 2020


It requires an enormous effort to be positive in today’s situation. We see the number of victims, we read the stories of their suffering, we watch the unemployment figures shooting to the stars, the immense level of poverty that goes along, we think of people we have known in Africa and elsewhere in the least developed economies, and wonder how can they survive on daily basis, we are told of perfectly viable companies going to the rocks, and all the rest, and we get depressed. But we must convince ourselves that sooner we will be able to contain the pandemic – to contain, as a first stage, before we eliminate it – and that normalcy will be invited back. We do not really know what type of normality that will be, people talk about a changed society, but as soon as people feel free to take care of their lives we might see a big leap forward, a renewed level of energy. I think we have here an opportunity to come out of it wiser. And that makes me feel a bit optimist.

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