Thursday, 28 December 2023

Security Council Resolution 2720 on Gaza and its tragedy

 1.        The UN System, under the leadership of the SG, is fast moving to be ready to implement SC res. 2720. This should be acknowledged.

2.        The Israeli government is ignoring the resolution and expanding the military aggression. The SC should draft a new resolution to impose sanctions on key Israeli leaders, in view of their disregard of res. 2720.

3.        This is not just about averting “a greater catastrophe and uphold dignity”. It is also about full respect for international law and the SC’s decisions. The Israeli behaviour violates international law and must be dealt with as such as well.

4.        The peace in the region is about to unravel. This should be mentioned as a major concern.

5.        Hamas leaders must also be prosecuted.

6.       The call for a total and immediate ceasefire must be loud, clear, and express a strong sense of urgency.

7.       Special responsibility lies with the UNSC. We must bring the UNSC back to the centre of key peace processes. Its members, particularly the P5, must show they can force the parties to implement a resolution like the 2720. Enforcement must become a very central priority for the SC.

8.        The humanitarian response should go together with the launching of a political process.

9.        The sovereign rights of the Israeli and Palestinian peoples are unquestionable.

Friday, 1 December 2023

Israel e Palestina: urge falar claro e agir com equilíbrio

Israel e Palestina: urge falar claro e agir com equilíbrio: O gabinete de guerra israelita quer recomeçar a operação militar na Faixa de Gaza tão rapidamente quanto possível -- desta vez no Sul, visto que já não há muito para destruir na parte norte. Benjamin Netanyahu e o resto do grupo dirigente aposta imprudentemente numa solução militar. Por duas razões: primeiro, por acreditarem que assim conseguirão eliminar de vez a direção e os combatentes do Hamas; segundo, por pensarem que o caos resultante de uma ofensiva militar esmagadora acabará por expulsar de Gaza uma grande parte da população sobrevivente, levando-a a abandonar o território e a procurar refúgio noutras paragens, fora da Palestina.